How to Pack a Healthy Lunch for your Kids
Do you have a difficult time packing your child’s lunchbox?
PsychPhys™ is here to help!
Did you know that children consume 30% of their daily food intake at school? Nutritious lunches and snacks help provide the energy your child needs to concentrate, learn and play throughout their day at school. They also play a vital role in developing lifelong healthy eating habits. When kids are fueled with healthy foods, they are more alert and focused. Higher levels of sustained concentration means that kids can more readily retain information and learn.
Not only is it important to pack a healthy lunchbox, it is also important to involve your child in the lunchbox packing process! Try taking them shopping and let them help choose fruits and vegetables for their lunchbox. Kids are more likely to enjoy their lunchbox food if they are involved in the packing process.
Some ways to involve your child in the lunchbox packing process include:
- Share simple tasks such as cracking eggs, stirring and measuring ingredients.
- Help kids build their own lunchbox by keeping a selection of healthy grab and go items (e.g., air popped popcorn, carrots/cucumber sticks and hummus, caprese sticks, yoghurt and fresh fruit).
- Allow kids to choose their own fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid the junk food aisles at the shops and set limits on highly processed foods.
- Challenge kids to help look for products with the most health stars.
- Try this interactive online game with your child to help them build a healthy lunchbox https:// healthylunchbox.com.au/builder/
Packing healthy lunchboxes with your child can also help them develop an understanding of:
- The importance of eating a variety of whole foods.
- The relationship between food, growth and development.
- The value of taking time to prepare and enjoy healthy food with others.
- The skills and knowledge regarding how to prepare and select an appropriate amount of food.
- That discretionary foods (foods high in saturated fat, added sugar and/or salt) are not good choices for everyday.
Some practical tips to help you pack a healthy lunchbox:
- Prepare lunch boxes the night before – It helps keep the morning routine speedy and stress-free!
- Involve your child in the process
- Plan lunches for the week
- Plan family dinners for the week and do one big grocery run weekly. This usually ends up cheaper than going to the supermarket each night to buy ingredients for dinner.
- DPV Health. (2020). Transition Pack Healthy Eating Brochure.
- Nutrition Australia.(2021). Healthy Lunchbox Guide [Booklet].https://www.healthylunchboxweek.org.au/_files/
ugd/9d5a8d_ceca437095c942658de067946814edaf.pdf - Nutrition Australia. (2023). Lunchbox nutrition: Healthy lunch box week. https://www.healthylunchboxweek.org.au/